Choosing the Right Planner for You
There are a lot of planners out there! Should you go for the one with stickers and sparkles? Should you buy the one with extra room for notes or none at all? Choosing the right planner can be overwhelming with all the available options, but Class Tracker is here to help you find the best planner for your needs. We know the perfect size, feeling, and layout to make sure you're as organized as possible. With the right planner in hand, you'll be prepared to take on the school year!
Choose the right size for you
There are many sizes available to choose from, and you want to consider what will work best for you as a busy college student with many things to do and places to be! That said, our planners are sized at 7″ x 8.5″ because it provides the perfect amount of room for seeing everything you have to work on and all the places you need to be (as well as when!), but it’s not too big. It fits perfectly inside your backpack and alongside all your books.
Make sure it's sturdy
The last thing you need is a student planner that falls apart on you and leaves you scrambling to figure out what you need to do and by when. You don’t want anything too bulky, but you also want to make sure your planner has a strong and study cover.
Choose a planner that has the right planning pages
You want to make sure you’re able to capture the busy life and class load that comes with being a college student, as well as be able to track your current class schedule and goals! Make sure the student planner you pick allows you to create space for all of these. Our Ultimate Student Planner includes weekly pages designed specifically for a college student's life, pages to record your class schedules, space for goal setting, monthly planning pages, and notes pages!
Select a binding that makes it easy to work with
Again, there are many student planners available, but you want to make sure yours is easy to work with. We find that coil bound planners are great because they lay flat when open and you can easily fold them over so you can focus on one page at a time. No losing sheets, no struggling to keep it open while you write, and nothing bulky that you can’t fold!
Clean and clearly organized
Remember, the college student’s brain is still developing and you want your planner to act as your “paper prefrontal cortex.” This means that you don’t need extra fluff!! Instead, look for a student planner that has clean lines and simple design so you have more space to track and organize your life. You can always add your own personality as you go!
Ready for the Ultimate Student Planner? Shop our dated and undated planners to start taking control of your life, work, and school load.